Sunday, February 26, 2012

from A to B

A is the sketch, B is the finished piece. from A to B is not necessarily a straight line!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

watercolor sketch

a quick (15 minutes) watercolour sketch I did while on my lunch break at work. I have one of the small "travel size" watercolour paint kits, (roughly two-thirds the size of a business card), that I keep in my pencil case.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Petrified Mummy

final pic from the gecko and petrified wood. This pic is actual colours

After the Blast...

Same characters in this pic. Played with the color and angles to get a different theme.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Long Time Lookout!

both of the items in this photo are real!! The first is a piece of petrified wood and the second is the actual remains of a small gecko. The gecko seems to have gotten trapped in a box that contained wicker baskets shipped from China. These boxes contain silicon packets to absorb moisture during the travel from factory to store. Which can be a long period of time.

Poor little fellow got trapped and was basically "Mummified" or had all of the moisture absorbed right out of him. I found the remains while opening these boxes, stocking the shelves with the wicker baskets while at work.

the title comes from the perception that this little guy was on "look-out" duty and was never relieved.

Friday, February 10, 2012

New Black and White

Fish In Line (Pt 2)
8 X 48 inches
ink on illustration board

this is a re-visit to the original concept I did for a Sam's World cartoon. I wanted to do this particular toon on a bigger format and with just ink and no colour.