Thursday, June 14, 2012

recent digital abstract

Shine On

the next three pieces are works that have taken weeks to get done. I am talking multiple upon multiple layers made, erased, pieced together, random acts of effects added, subtracted, multiplied, doubled, tripled and sometimes erasing all but one square inch of a particular layer. So much was done that I have no idea what I originally started with. Ask me to go through the steps I took and I will probably just lie down and stare at the clouds and ponder the molecules that make up the atmosphere, it would be easier to do.

For me to take this long to complete a work is a sign that I became intensely focused on these works and journeyed a path very seldom taken but highly enjoyable. One loses track of the time because the adventure is so much fun that one does not want it to end. The fact that I was able to do this three times, well, it is just supreme awesomeness!


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